Saturday, August 30, 2008

An afternoon in Tomales

posted by Brace

The 100 degree heat wave passed. It was twenty degrees cooler today, so we decided to take a short field trip to the town of Tomales. It is a little town just 15 miles west of Petaluma. Not much there. A sandwich shop, a bakery, a general store, an art gallery, and of course, a post office. Ryan, Leila, and Eli joined us. We got away so Mark could study uninterrupted. Ryan is back to work now, so Mark had the two little ones all day.

We went to the sandwich shop. Leila has had ice cream before, and she knew about about ice cream cones, but until today, she never eaten an ice cream cone. She chose raspberry. She quietly worked on it with earnest. Then we told her that the cone can be eaten as well. What a revelation! It appeared that she liked the cone better the ice cream, itself. She declined the last bit of ice cream, but kept on eating the cone.

There was also a tiny park with a couple of picnic tables. Leila spotted the throne. She climbed in and out of it at least a half dozen times. Fox always at her side. She can find joy in the simplest of things. She melts me with her beautiful smile.

Phyllis was feeling pretty good despite the fact that it was only about 48 hours after having rotator cuff surgery. Eli was a great today. He is absorbing his environment more and more each day. He flashes us quick smiles when we play with him. He can put a death grip on anything placed in front of him.

Monday, August 25, 2008

snuggle up snuggle bunny

I have no idea where I got that from, but I always say it to Leila when I put her to sleep. I love how Leila's hand is cradling Eli's head. She really loves him, it's so sweet to see. He's three months old now and she still likes to shower him with kisses!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Proud Mama, Sleepy Dada

We have a picture of Leila when she was about two months old in the same pose-eyes wide open and fists up like a little fighter. I took advantage of the opportunity and snapped about 12 photos while Eli and I were sitting here...proud mama that I am, and all.

Leila the Builder. Leila helped remove the nails from this board. When she doesn't get to use the real hammer, she pulls out her plastic red hammer and goes about banging on the side of the piano. Not sure why it's always the piano that takes the beating (good thing it was only a freebie on Craigslist!).

Eli's very first bottle feed somehow required three people to get the job done. Leila was really enthusiastic at first, but soon got bored. In keeping with his mellow personality, Eli took to the bottle really easily, which is a good thing since I soon have to go back to work (eek!).

I couldn't believe that Mark actually fell asleep during the Euro 2008 Spain/Italy quarter finals! Apparently Eli wasn't too interested either. I decided to risk the chance of him slipping from Mark's sleepy arms in order to get this funny picture (luckily for my motherly conscience, Eli didn't tumble to the floor).

Tummy time! Eli probably wonders why we insist on face-planting him on his blankies. Haha, poor guy! He may be too young to master crawling, sitting-up, or walking, but he can definitely rock the good neck control. That's our boy! hehe.

Leila put on her little apron and got to work with the Eureka Mini Boss. "Want to hoover!" She loves to help out around the house, hoovering and cooking (making rice, cracking eggs and "stiring it all together" are her favorite kitchen activites). Funny she wants to help with our chores, but she never wants to pick up her own toys!

"Hug Eli!" as Leila says. She loves to take her turn cuddling him. She has a set routine now: first she holds him lying in her lap, then she gives him a kiss, then she hugs him like this. He doesn't look so tiny when she's holding him. I love these pictures!