Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Belly Button and a Nose-Kiss

Big sister, little man, and a belly button. Sometimes when I'm sitting on the bed feeding Eli and Leila is snuggled up next to me, I'm blown away by the fact that these two little-people are my two children. Mark and I can't believe we already have two if only my brother and my friends would catch up! haha.

We took Leila to the Italian street painting festival in San Rafael where tons of local artists spent two days covering the streets with amazing chalk murals. Leila really wanted to do "painting", so we forked out 12 bucks (gasp!) for her own two by two foot square. (At least she got to keep the box of pastels, that kind of justifies the outrageous price, right?!) Once she sat down she didn't quite know what to do with her blank canvas.

Here we are kneeling on the painfully hot asphalt. Mark and I helped Leila fill in her 576 square inches of street space with zig-zags, swirls and all that good stuff. She was surprisingly timid at first, but got bolder after we started to help.

The finished product. You can see Mark's attempt at Maisy Mouse, Leila's most beloved kids' character.

Helen Putnam Park on Father's Day. We started off by going up a huge, steep hill and Leila climbed it all by herself. Mark was the lucky one who got to carry her for the last half of the hike when she was too tired to walk. I love how tiny Leila looks out there on the trail. You can just barely see Mark and Ryan in the distance.

Killing time drinking bad tea at the airport. Ryan's last photos with Leila and Eli turned out really nice. Leila loved the airport, which she saw as one big jungle gym with its multiple escalators, moving walkways, and elevators. We tried to restrain her by trapping her in the corner of the booth seat. Eventually she found her way out by climbing under the table!

Kissing, eskimo style! I love this picture of Leila and Mark mid-"nose kiss".

I actually managed to catch Leila with a natural, non-cheesy smile! I love this pic of her (of course, I think I say that about 90% of our photos!).